Hugging Face ChatGPT: A New Frontier Of Conversational AI

AI Detection Tools

Hugging Face

HuggingChat is a new chatbot that was released by Hugging Face, an open source AI platform. It came to the rescue because ChatGPT, while impressive, wasn't open-source. This made it less helpful for developers who needed access to the inner workings of the system.

But now, with HuggingChat, developers and users have a great alternative. Hugging Face ChatGPT clone is open-source, which means it offers a lot of advanced features and integrations for everyone to use. It's giving tough competition to ChatGPT and making things more exciting in the world of artificial intelligence.

What Is Hugging Face?

Hugging Face is an AI startup and community that offers free tools for creating machine learning and AI applications. They have a project called Bloom, which is a powerful language model with 176 billion parameters. It's available to anyone who agrees to follow their Responsible AI license.

Hugging Face provides access to open source models in different areas like vision, audio, natural language processing, and reinforcement learning. They also host datasets and libraries that people can use. It's a place where teams can collaborate with different levels of services available for free, pro, and enterprise users.

A Closer Look 

Hugging Face ChatGPT Closer

Hugging Face ChatGPT Closer

HuggingChat is a clone version of ChatGPT that is made using the Open Assistant chat model. You can try it out by going to and having a chat with it.

The Open Assistant project is a part of a group called LAION. They are a global non-profit organization that wants to share advanced technology with everyone. They believe in the power of collaboration and making AI technology available to all.

At first glance, HuggingChat's interface looks a lot like ChatGPT's. It has a cool blue screen with conversation points and a history of past conversations, just like ChatGPT.

But there's something important to keep in mind. ChatGPT can't give you information that's happened after September 2021, so it can't give you real-time updates. HuggingChat is similar in that way too.

Sometimes, HuggingChat might give you updated answers, but they might not always be right. For example, when we asked HuggingChat "Who won IPL 2022?", the response it provided was not correct in any way.

Huggingface is a really cool ChatGPT clone. Still, it's important to double-check the information it gives you, especially if it's something that's happened recently.

HuggingChat Training Dataset

HuggingChat is an AI chatbot that was trained using a brand new set of conversations called Open Assistant Conversations (OASST1). The conversations were collected until April 12, 2023, and a research paper about them was published in April 2023.

To train HuggingChat, the creators used a method called reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). They gathered a lot of questions and answers and had humans review and rate them. This helped teach the AI to understand and follow instructions better.

To collect the questions and answers, over 13,000 volunteers from all over the world helped out. This was a good way to get data in different languages. However, it also means that the dataset might have some biases. Not everyone's opinions are represented equally.

But don't worry, the researchers were very careful to follow strict rules to make sure the dataset is good quality. They know there might still be some things that are not good, but they stand by the dataset they made.

Overall, HuggingChat and the OpenAssistant Conversations dataset are important for making AI technology better and available to more people.

The Differences Between Hugging Face And ChatGPT

Hugging Face ChatGPT Differnces

Hugging Face ChatGPT Differnces

HuggingChat and ChatGPT are two types of chatbots, and they are not the same. They learned from different information. HuggingChat learned from a big collection of messages and conversations in many languages, with help from lots of people. ChatGPT also learned from a dataset, but the details about it are not available right now.

Another thing to consider is the cost. ChatGPT offers both a free version and a version that requires payment. The paid version gives better answers but you have to pay $20 per month to use it. HuggingChat, on the other hand, is free for everyone.

When it comes to how they write, ChatGPT gives structured and clear answers without taking sides. HuggingChat, on the other hand, gives more personalized responses and talks like a person. But sometimes HuggingChat may not understand the context very well.

If you like coding, HuggingChat provides all the code together. But with ChatGPT, you get instructions for the free version and more detailed instructions for the paid version.

So, both chatbots have their own strengths and it's up to you to decide which one works best for you.


In conclusion, right now ChatGPT is considered the better choice compared to HuggingChat ChatGPT. ChatGPT has been around for a longer time, which means it has had more time to learn and improve. It also has a wider range of features and abilities that make it very useful.

On the other hand, HuggingChat is still new and is in the early stages of its development. It has the potential to become better in the future as more updates and improvements are made. It's exciting to think about how HuggingChat might grow and what it could become.

It's important to have different options like ChatGPT and HuggingChat. This way, no one company can have too much power over chatbots. When there are different choices, it keeps things fair and gives us more variety to choose from. It promotes healthy competition and encourages companies to keep innovating and improving their products.

We'll have to wait and see how Huggingface ChatGPT evolves over time and whether it can compete with the established dominance of ChatGPT.