ChatGPT Plagiarism Checker: Your Reliable Writing Companion?

ChatGPT Plagiarism Checker

ChatGPT Plagiarism Checker

People are asking if ChatGPT, a popular AI writing tool, copies other people’s work. Some individuals might feel uncertain about using ChatGPT because they are worried about copying someone else's work or harming their reputation. 

In this article, we will explore various ChatGPT plagiarism checker tools and AI detectors that can help identify AI generated text.

Why Do We Need ChatPGT Plagiarism Checkers

In November 2022, OpenAI released an updated version of ChatGPT, which gained a lot of attention. It allowed professionals to generate intelligent and coherent essays or articles and solve text-based math problems. AI can make writing that looks real. That’s why students like it but teachers don’t.

Plagiarism is a big concern, especially in the academic world. ChatGPT can help write essays and papers on many topics. But using AI writing could lead to being accused of copying, even if you didn’t mean to.

Both intentional and unintended cases of plagiarism are treated very seriously in academic and professional settings. Consequences may include academic penalties, damage to one's reputation, legal action, and even expulsion.

This creates a race to find ways to prevent ChatGPT plagiarism. Right now, there are several options available for free to tackle this issue.

Top 5 ChatGPT Plagiarism Checkers

OpenAI Text Classifier

ChatGPT Plagiarism Checker Text Classifier

ChatGPT Plagiarism Checker Text Classifier

Let's start with a new AI plagiarism checker released by OpenAI, the same company behind ChatGPT. It's called the AI Text Classifier, and it's a highly refined GPT model created by OpenAI. This tool is designed to predict whether a given text has been written by a human or an AI.

To train the AI plagiarism checker, OpenAI used pairs of data, which included inputs from both humans and AI. This allows the tool to easily identify instances of plagiarized AI text. The app works with all kinds of text and is available on OpenAI's website.

However, OpenAI says the tool isn’t completely reliable yet. It shouldn’t be the only way to find copied text.

In general, this plagiarism checker is one of the best free AI tools for finding AI-written content. However, it does have a requirement of at least 1,000 characters for the text you input.

Copyleaks AI Content Detector

ChatGPT Plagiarism Checker Coppyleaks

ChatGPT Plagiarism Checker Coppyleaks

This AI plagiarism checker can be utilized for a variety of uses, including examining articles, evaluations, posts, and even scholarly papers. The AI tool for detecting copied text is fast too. It took less than 10 seconds to check 600 words. The tool confirmed the text was human-written.

If you don't want to go through the hassle of opening the website, there's a convenient Chrome extension available as well. Just visit the website and get the extension. Another great thing is that Copyleaks is completely free to use. So feel free to scan your text right away and make sure it's original.


There's another AI plagiarism checker called GPTRadar, which is named quite fittingly. It's also based on GPT-3, the same technology used by ChatGPT. This tool uses AI to find text online and sort it as human or ChatGPT written. It’s on a simple website that looks basic but works well.

ChatGPT Plagiarism Checker GPTRadar

ChatGPT Plagiarism Checker GPTRadar

In the given example, the tool accurately identifies the "Lorem Ipsum" text as probably created by a big AI model. It even gives extra information like the text's perplexity, which shows how well the model can predict words. The tool also separates the text into sections based on whether they were written by humans or AI. Moreover, GPTRadar provides lots of other useful details, like distribution.

When you use GPTRadar, you get 2,000 tokens for free. Tokens are like small units that represent text, and this free allowance allows you to check a good amount of text. If you need more tokens, you can buy additional credits at a low cost. The price starts at $0.02 for 100 tokens.

Winston AI

ChatGPT Plagiarism Checker Winston

ChatGPT Plagiarism Checker Winston

Another powerful AI plagiarism checker is Winston AI. It's known for its impressive 99% accuracy in detecting ChatGPT content. Like other checkers, Winston sorts results into categories: human, AI, and readability. This makes it easy to understand the findings.

One thing that makes Winston stand out is its ability to analyze not only text but also PDF and image files. This means you can upload files in different formats, and Winston will read and check them for AI-generated content too.

Using Winston is easy. Enter your text or upload an image and it will scan for AI content. In a few seconds, you’ll get the results. Winston also has an AI prediction map that shows which text is AI or human-written.

The free plan allows access to 2,000 words and AI detection. However, there are also paid plans starting at $19 per month. They offer extra features like a plagiarism detector and handwriting support. These paid plans can provide you with comprehensive assistance for your needs.


CopyScape is an excellent AI plagiarism checker that works in a unique way. Instead of checking only your text, it can scan whole web pages for you. It searches the internet to find other web pages that have copied your content. This tool is beneficial for both businesses and individuals.

ChatGPT Plagiarism Checker Copyscape

ChatGPT Plagiarism Checker Copyscape

CopyScape is easy to use. Paste a web page’s URL and wait a minute. You’ll see results for copied content like on Google. Click on a result for more details like word count and how much is copied.

CopyScape performs well and is usually precise in recognizing text created by AI. CopyScape is free to use now, but the company might charge for it in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which is the best ChatGPT plagiarism checker?

There are different ChatGPT plagiarism checkers available, and each one has its own strengths and weaknesses. As mentioned above, some of the top ChatGPT plagiarism checkers include OpenAI's AI Text Classifier, GPTZero,, Plagibot, and ContentDetector.AI.

2. How do ChatGPT plagiarism checkers work?

ChatGPT plagiarism checkers use special computer programs to check for plagiarism. These programs look closely at the writing and compare it with other sources to see if it has been copied from somewhere else.

3. Is it possible to trick a ChatGPT plagiarism checker?

Tricking a ChatGPT plagiarism checker is challenging but not impossible. Some tricks can fool these tools, like changing the font, adding spaces, or using different words.

4. Can a ChatGPT plagiarism checker identify paraphrasing?

Yes, plagiarism checkers can tell when ChatGPT is using different words to say the same thing. These tools use special computer programs to compare the writing and find if it's similar, even if the words aren't exactly the same.


Tools that can find AI writing are becoming more and more important and helpful. They help when someone copies or uses ChatGPT to write their work. But if you're someone who loves AI and what it can do, there are even more exciting things you can do with ChatGPT.

Already explored all those possibilities? Well, here's another interesting tip: you can learn how to bypass AI detection. So out of all these options, which AI plagiarism checker is your favorite?